A course in financial education – Hebron

Cooperative Association for Saving & Credit - Hebron

The savings and credit association in Hebron in cooperation with The Union of Cooperative Societies for Savings and Credit (UCASC) L.L held a course in financial education in the framework of promoting the financial inclusion of women and young women through regional financial education in Tunisia and Palestine, with the support of CAWTAR Center funded by the Saudi fund for Development through the Islamic Bank for Development and in partnership with the Arab Gulf Development Program (AGFUND).

The training was held in Halhul Municipality Hall, 17 women representing the association’s sites in Hebron governorates participated in the training. Beneficiaries were provided with an electronic link on the internet by CAWTAR to attend the training online to enhance their abilities in financial education and help them manage their own business with efficiency and full capacity.
This training course meets the strategic plan for UCASC, one of its main components is targeting youth and transferring experiences to them, and educating this important category in financial issues, because of its impact on the reduction of unemployment.