Rural Women Cooperative Association for Saving and Credit - Ramallah

The Rural Women Cooperative Association for Saving and Credit L.L was founded in Ramallah and Al Bireh officially in 2003, with an aim to organize the Saving and Credit operations in that area.

The Cooperative Association now consists of 18 groups including 640 contributing members until the end of 2019.


A pioneer feminine local association that provides financial services, specially (Saving and Credit) to its members, it has a vital role in providing a better life for its members in all life aspects, and it is an example of how giving, contributing in cooperation should be.


Licensed feminine cooperative association, with a financial, administrative and independent personality, funded and run by its members, practicing (Saving and Credit), along with other development activities, aiming to develop rural Palestinian women, especially in Palestinian villages, enhancing their role in economic, social, cultural and political aspects, based on the rules, principals and cooperative work ethics that are based in Self-Management, democracy, equality, justice and cooperation.

Target Group:

The association targets female members from different areas of Ramallah, who are 18 years old or above (No maximum age limit is determined), but its priorities for the next five years are ladies between the ages of 18 and 60 years old.

Lending product characteristics:

Affiliation Fees 10
Share’s Upper Limit 500


Loan characteristics:

Product Name Loan Limit (JOD)
General Loan 7,000


  2018 2019
Number of groups 18 18
Number of active members by the end of term 651 640
Total Value Shares (End of term’s balance) 191,065 187,822
Total Saving’s Value (End of term’s balance) 197,356 232,116
Total number of loans 639 658
Total number of issued loans 1,558 1,656
Total Value of issued loans 3,369,216 3,777,766
Number of active loans 143 136
Active Portfolio Value (outstanding balance of loan principal) 373,753 343,170